While riding my bicycle at the lake the other day I spotted this long line of birds. They are Anhingas, a waterbird that doesn't have oil on their wings so after each dive for food, they must extend their wings to dry. I think they are odd looking birds and have never seen so many in one place before.
Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Had house guests and Monday was my birthday. I spent it at Epcot Center with my inherited daughter. Great fun. Our historic Presidential inauguration had me glued to the tv yesterday but I will now buckle down to work and post daily again.
belle photo cette ligne des oiseaux, cela doit ĂȘtre la riviera des oiseaux ;o)
beautiful picture this line of birds, this should be the Riviera's birds ;o)
I think they are pretty strange birds too. :-) They come sit in the dead tree behind our house, drying their wings out.
Sorry, but here come some delayed bithday greetings!
Godd to see that you are biking, preparing for nice long walks - or biking tours - together in Paris soon again!
Happy though belated birthday blessings to you Karen!
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