Thursday, December 11, 2008

A sandhill crane in the front yard and my cat, Sassy, in the window fascinated by it. She gets excited by the smaller birds but she's not sure she'd want catch this one.

Paris Countdown:4 Days!!


Olivier said...

un visiteur et le chat qui aimerait bien faire connaissance ;o)) une photo qui raconte une histoire, j'aime beaucoup.
a visitor and the cat who would well like to make acquaintance; o)) a photograph which tells a history, I like very much.

Hope said...

Now this is a sight to see! Not everyone gets to see a sandhill crane walking about their front lawn. What a treat for your cat to lay her eyes upon this bird. I would be afraid to, though, to get too close. Good thing there is a window in between!

Jane Hards Photography said...

That is just too comical.

PJ said...

I know some serious bird watchers who would think they had died and gone to heaven if they saw this one! Kitty probably did the math and decided it was a negative equation.

Basir Seerat's Photography. said...

this shoot is espacial and love this.