Our Farmer's Market is on Thursday and I always love the vendors and their cheerful dispositions and the rows and rows of produce. Last week the watermelons looked good but I resisted the temptation. Too big for one person.. My house sitters will be here on Wednesday so this week I may bring one home.
Paris Countdown:6 Days!!!
délicieux les pastèques, quand je travaillais en Tunisie, on mangeait les pastèques le matin, c'était bon...... Bientôt 8 jours avant Paris, moi je dois encore attendre 10 jours pour NYC ;o)).
delicious watermelons, when I worked in Tunisia, we ate watermelons in the morning, it was good ...... Soon 8 days before Paris, I must still wait 10 days for NYC ;o)).
Wow! You are so lucky to have watermelons in December! Our family is getting ready to visit Walt Disney World in just a few days! I can't wait to arrive on Flordia soil!!
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